ISF Info


United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has announced a new rule, known as the Importer Security Filing (ISF) or more commonly called 10+2; which requires cargo information, for security purposes, to be transmitted to the agency at least 24 hours before goods are loaded onto an ocean vessel for shipment into the U.S. 10+2 is pursuant to section 203 of the SAFE Port Act, and requires importers to provide 10 data elements to CBP, as well as 2 more data elements from the carrier.

The following 10 data elements are required from the importer:

Manufacturer (or supplier) name and address

Seller (or owner) name and address

Buyer (or owner) name and address

Ship to name and address

Container stuffing location

Consolidator (stuffer) name and address

Importer of record

number/foreign trade zone applicant identification number

Consignee number(s)

Country of origin

Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule number


From the carrier, 2 data elements are required:

Vessel stow plan

Container status messages


Collecting information on foreign imports 24 hours prior to the goods leaving the port of lading allows CBP to further secure U.S. ports of entry against acts of terrorism.



(516) 239-2220



2 Park Ave
Lawrence, NY 11559